Vinyl Me Please Rap & Hip Hop

With all the concerns of overselling and stock fiascos recently (Nat Turner, Weyes Blood, etc), this makes me worry

2018 VMP concerns: “Oh man, this record sold out! I already bought a copy but I hope they have enough if I need a replacement”

2019 VMP concerns: “Oh man, this record sold out! I hope I’m able to get the copy I bought in the first place”
With all the concerns of overselling and stock fiascos recently (Nat Turner, Weyes Blood, etc), this makes me worry

2018 VMP concerns: “Oh man, this record sold out! I already bought a copy but I hope they have enough if I need a replacement”

2019 VMP concerns: “Oh man, this record sold out! I hope I’m able to get the copy I bought in the first place”
Concerned about both!
He said in the reddit thread he wasn't doing hints on the day of announcements

it's a day after now right? lol
The guess threads will continue on in spirit on the subreddit, Storf has free rein to throw hints up on there whenever he wants. I think he's wanting to wait a bit though, since the ROTMs were JUST announced. Which is fine - I always found it difficult how quickly people would jump back into guess-thread mode mere hours after the ROTM announcements :p
He said on reddit he’s gonna give hints but it’s too early rn. I assume the hints will be on reddit.

Cool. Thanks guys. Reddit it is. I just love the guessing game that's all. It introduces me to more albums than just the actual right guess
This is what concerns me.. especially as a Canadian, I expect to get mine later than most of the States customers. And I've had a decent number of dished records.
Well they’ve made it clear that dished records aren’t a significant enough of a warp to warrant replacement. I bet you they are going to be super stingy on replacements for these.
I asked him on IG 2 days ago and got a negative. Wont be happening anytime soon unfortunately. I really enjoyed his presence on the forum even if I didnt always like what he had to say

I guess the higher ups are more petty and bitter about the forum backlash than they let on. Why keep someone like Storf away from the new community that YOU forced to move? The subreddit? Really? The place that started a thread complaining about the "stupid, loose baggies" that Al Green came in, with no clue who QRP is, full of people that had never bought a MoFi/AP/QRP album in their life?

Yeah Storf, good luck hyping up that crowd over some of those Classsics picks
I guess the higher ups are more petty and bitter about the forum backlash than they let on. Why keep someone like Storf away from the new community that YOU forced to move? The subreddit? Really? The place that started a thread complaining about the "stupid, loose baggies" that Al Green came in, with no clue who QRP is, full of people that had never bought a MoFi/AP/QRP album in their life?

Yeah Storf, good luck hyping up that crowd over some of those Classsics picks
That loose baggie really grinded my gears 🧐
I guess the higher ups are more petty and bitter about the forum backlash than they let on. Why keep someone like Storf away from the new community that YOU forced to move? The subreddit? Really? The place that started a thread complaining about the "stupid, loose baggies" that Al Green came in, with no clue who QRP is, full of people that had never bought a MoFi/AP/QRP album in their life?

Yeah Storf, good luck hyping up that crowd over some of those Classsics picks
I'm on the subreddit pretty often, and oh my god that QRP thread made me cringe.
#GuessMePlease July 2019 #1

Here are your first two hints for all three tracks for July:
Two of the three records are made by artists from Latin America.
Two of the three records were made either in New York City, or very close to it.

on reddit