Vinyl Me Please Rap & Hip Hop

I most note that I have picked up quite a few of them though! 😂🤣
Fingers crossed we get a great hip-hop album from 2004! We got MM...FOOD last year as a R&HH ROTM, which was from 2004, and that was most definitely one of the best hip-hop albums from that year in my opinion!

I just hope we get The Foreign Exchange, Murs & 9th Wonder or The Streets! Eyedea & Abilities and Masta Ace would be pretty good too, but both their albums aren’t at the top for me. I much prefer both their albums released from 2001!
Madvillainy is easily the best hip-hop album of 2004 and VMP already made that an Essential ROTM in the early days. The second best hip-hop album is definitely Kanye West’s The College Dropout, followed by MF DOOM’s MM...FOOD. Then 4th place would be The Foreign Exchange’s Connected! Them four albums are all 9.3/10+ for me!
Possibly yeah, but you know VMP has got to have been trying to get Funcrusher for years. Fat Possum has the whole catalogue now which kinda sucks because Fat Possums pressings generally are pretty damn average but ah well at least it'll be out there finally...
I'm just trying to apply the same logic as the pick for The Roots. Easily available, middle of the road. Hope I'm wrong.
Some interesting options been floated thus far. I absolutely love The Streets' "A Grand Don't Come For Free", and I grabbed the recent reissue which sounds phenomenal. If it is that, I will be swapping but would be pumped for people to grab it.

If it's Ghostface, Dizzee, or Foriegn Exchange, I'll also be real happy.

cLOUDEAD would be an interesting option as well. haven't heard that one in forever. Same with Cam'Ron.

This may be my Canadian showing, but anyone here ever give a listen to "Joyful Rebellion" by k-os? Could well be one of the best hip-hop albums released up here.
Some interesting options been floated thus far. I absolutely love The Streets' "A Grand Don't Come For Free", and I grabbed the recent reissue which sounds phenomenal. If it is that, I will be swapping but would be pumped for people to grab it.

If it's Ghostface, Dizzee, or Foriegn Exchange, I'll also be real happy.

cLOUDEAD would be an interesting option as well. haven't heard that one in forever. Same with Cam'Ron.

This may be my Canadian showing, but anyone here ever give a listen to "Joyful Rebellion" by k-os? Could well be one of the best hip-hop albums released up here.
I thought about k-os too, but I would definitely prefer Exit if I had to choose one of his records