So I played myself. I played myself real good.
I heard the essentials and r&hh and was like "Okay, what could possibly go wrong." I log onto my account at around 4 pm and hey, I see The Roots album on the Record of the Month page and I was like "cool." Sign up and get my pair of VMP hand cuffs and sub for 3 months.
I immediately get charged. "Hmmm thats strange, don't they charge the first of the month?" I ask myself in what I can assume is surprise. But should I really be surprised with VMP?
"Oh my re-up date is on the first of April?" I question myself all flabbergasted. "Shouldn't it be the first of May". I tell myself i'm wrong. "How could their new system that they implemented at a perfect time be wrong?"
Then I check if I can get the El-P album but its not letting me. Odd, but maybe its nothing I'm being silly. All I see is this.
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Something not looking right their?
Meh its nothing.
I go to work, don't think about it. Get home and hey El-P is available. Sub to it and wait whats this?
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So....I think I am getting Phrenology twice. I have one already in my order page.
I don't know whats happening. I hope i'm wrong and can get CS to do something. But they never respond so who the hell knows.