Aww Nathan. How old are you that you’ve collected over 800 records? If we assume each record has an average play time of 55 mins you could spin vinyl for 2 hours every day and still not get through them all in a year. And that’s without ever repeating an album you really want to hear.. or weeks ”lost” to trips in New Zealand/Indonesia etc..
I know you’re a younger guy and more interested in living in the here and now but, please, think really hard before you take the second 10k offering out of your Super. That $10k by the time you contemplate retirement compounds to ~$40-70k ideally. It’s not our fault that we don’t understand this stuff, there’s next to zero financial education in school. Travel, buy what you want etc.. if that’s what you want to do but don‘t take it from your future self’s retirement fund

I’m 25 years old! First signed up to VMP in 2017 and started collecting records that year too!
Wow, I never really thought of it like that! So true, there’s no way I would be able to listen to everything in one year!

I’m going to take the second offering out, which is $6,000 as that’s all I’ve got left now! I understand that your Super does increase if money stays in there. But I’ll be 60+ years old by the time I can access that! It’s not worth it for me to be comfortable at 60+ at the expense of having more fun/splurging right now with my Super money. Also, I feel really fortunate to have everything I got - access to amazing water, food, comfort of a house, free from war, easy opportunity to earn a lot of money, lovely parents and siblings, music, etc!

So for me, it’s like, why do I want my money to increase, only for me to access it when I’m old. And who knows if I’ll be alive then! I’m OK in my mindset if I have to suffer when I’m 60+ financially. I’m in Australia and I’m healthy and will still be working! Like, we’re all so lucky!
I could go on but I guess you can kind of see where I’m coming from. We don’t know what the future is, so why not have fun and live it up! For that reason, I’m definitely taking the rest of my super out! Gonna enjoy life, work less for a bit and travel more and hopefully love out of home soon (even though I can move out now but I just love home)!
Great advice, but getting $6,000 is so much money and I can do so much with that! In the end, I just want to be happy. I don’t want to think about my future. It’s not worth it for me as I don’t really create the fear in my head about the future. I’m a survivor like that. Whenever I travelled to the Middle East, Himialayas, Africa, South America etc, I was faced with troubles but I just always find a way!

A woman at my work who is around 45-50 years old took out her super and she has nothing left. But she purchased a new car and she was so happy just chilling in it with the windows down smoking! And she was just loving life. And she’s like 50 years old, isn’t rich but is so happy and she loves laughing and is so sweet!

YOLO, so why not be silly, have fun and go with your instincts whilst we are lucky!