Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

speaking of prices going up, Wife sent me to the store to get a dozen eggs . I walked in with 2 bucks . They were 4.50 a half dozen . they were 89 cents a dozen last month .

Fuck eggs

Damn, that's crazy - 4.50 a half dozen? Where, Whole Foods?

We have 10 chickens, 2 are older but the rest are laying, I brought 8 eggs in from the boxes today.
Yeah, we buy feed and I have to fill the water dispensers... and hay/wood chips on occasion. But the eggs are fresh and tasty.
I can see the appeal - And I suppose if you simply sell what you dont want - That works out ok.
My concern would be - Will this record club exist in Jan 2021. Or will I have donated $374 to a creditors fund. Also - So far Ive only actually wanted 2 months of this years Essentials. And very very few Add ons.

Yeah I get what you mean, like some others have said it can be a gamble. For me VM, P is still an affordable way to access some labels that are expensive across the pond. It’s not only shipping that kills it most of the time, it’s custom fees and potentially damaged records due to poor packaging. I also kept the majority of their essentials and regularly buy classics/jazz/funk from their store because of quality and convenience. And if I really don’t want them, these records sell pretty well still, despite the flippers.

Also they shipped all of my records in a single shipment/mailer this time around so they are improving after all.:LOL:
Yeah I get what you mean, like some others have said it can be a gamble. For me VM, P is still an affordable way to access some labels that are expensive across the pond. It’s not only shipping that kills it most of the time, it’s custom fees and potentially damaged records due to poor packaging. I also kept the majority of their essentials and regularly buy classics/jazz/funk from their store because of quality and convenience. And if I really don’t want them, these records sell pretty well still, despite the flippers.

Also they shipped all of my records in a single shipment/mailer this time around so they are improving after all.:LOL:

I can see it as a nice service for overseas club members!
Damn, that's crazy - 4.50 a half dozen? Where, Whole Foods?

We have 10 chickens, 2 are older but the rest are laying, I brought 8 eggs in from the boxes today.
Yeah, we buy feed and I have to fill the water dispensers... and hay/wood chips on occasion. But the eggs are fresh and tasty.
lol I don't have whole foods in my neighborhood, thats out in the fancier areas. We just have Shop N Bag, Save A Lot, Shop Rite and a lot of Nonoame Bodegas where people use their EBT cards to buy food then try to sell it to you for a discount in front.
I can see it as a nice service for overseas club members!
I often look at US domestic pricing and what record buyers get compared to us in the UK (particularly AP/Mofi etc) and think.... 'bunch of wankers'

Then I spuriously fabricate a reason to go to the doctors or hospital safe in the knowledge its costing me bugger all and I can do it as often as I want and laugh in the sweet revenge
I saw this "discount" on my account page...but fuck them.

I'm just tired of their shit. It's been this way for years...and I'm done.

They play the FOMO gimmick shit...and think they're the next Mofi.

Plus...I've already spent the $$ on a Graveface sub....and a bunch of RSD releases...and the Mandalorian OST box set.
I saw this "discount" on my account page...but fuck them.

I'm just tired of their shit. It's been this way for years...and I'm done.

They play the FOMO gimmick shit...and think they're the next Mofi.

Plus...I've already spent the $$ on a Graveface sub....and a bunch of RSD releases...and the Mandalorian OST box set.
Smart man...I am still shocked when I see people bad mouth them constantly and yet are still members