Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

if you get a new one, could you let me know and i'd be down to buy the old one off ya if the wobbles might be able to be flattened? i almost ordered this from VMP with my credit but glad I held off if there are some issues...
I'll let you know if I end with a replacement. The first one has a decent dish and I was willing to live with that one. The second disc had those bad fluttery pry warps all over the edge that would have caused some real headaches. I'm sure they could all be flattened.
Holy shit there's actually two store drops I'm interested in this week.
debating if i want the late night tales or not...i do have store credit still and the exclusive color is glow in the dark directly from LNT so I'm skipping that color since it typically sounds awful.
debating if i want the late night tales or not...i do have store credit still and the exclusive color is glow in the dark directly from LNT so I'm skipping that color since it typically sounds awful.
Yeah, the LNT is one of the ones. Lots of good sountrack shit on there.