Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Long story short, it went from exclusively pressed signed albums for album circle members with hand made vovels (or whatever the fuck they're called) to "We have some stagnant Rough Trade exclusives burning a hole in our inventory, lets get the bands to sign some paper bags, print a vovel out on some printer paper and charge these plebs $50 for it"

And then gaslight the shit out of them by changing the landing page wording.

That's how I can finally get rid of my Dirty Projector's PIF, I can to offer a signed copy.

I could then explain, once they were trying to decipher my illegible handwriting, that I never said it would be signed by the artist...
Dang, it's not worth half of that, but I'm sure they are banking on all those brand new vinyl collectors who don't own Christmas albums yet...
I think A Charlie Brown Christmas is one they can pump out a new one of every year and it will sell. There's always new to vinyl people who want that album. I like the Stax album but I try not to spend that much on any Christmas album given they only get play for 1 month of the year.
Pretty much all reissues of it past 1988 I think are from a digital remaster by George Horn. So the only difference with most of them are where it was pressed. Some were done at QRP. Others at GZ I believe. At least the VMP one is QRP but the new price is crazy.

The only exclusions as far as I know are the AP 33 and AP 45 that KG and KG/Hoffman did. Those are long OOP and I truly doubt they will be repressed. Concord/Craft owns the rights now and they repress it at will.
When's the inevitable Small Batch coming?
Does anyone have a recommendation for a decent reissue of the Vince Guaraldi – A Charlie Brown Christmas?

I have been meaning to get an upgrade for my shitty cheap reissue for a while now but keep forgetting. I do actually have credit so might end up getting the VMP pressing unless someone can steer me in another direction. Craft are usually pretty good.
AP has one but it’s OOP unfortunately.
im waiting for the inevitable vmp / urban outfitters exclusives next month. probably comes with a 1000 dollar collectible taylor swift crosley super limited to we wont tell you how many.
i am HOPING no one buys the eight crazy nights OST

does anyone actually LIKE eight crazy nights?

did anyone actually want the soundtrack on vinyl

its going to be in swaps for a while
It does and I guess there's a certain number of weirdos in general who are Adam Sandler fans.
Though, I am a big enough of a weirdo to just play What The Hell Happened To Me when the mood strikes. I am not a member of the tribe so it’s more year rounds type music for me. That being said I would assume the 8 Crazy Nights soundtrack is much more PG than Sandlers normal comedy albums would be. The type of thing you could spin without offending our grandparents.
Though, I am a big enough of a weirdo to just play What The Hell Happened To Me when the mood strikes. I am not a member of the tribe so it’s more year rounds type music for me. That being said I would assume the 8 Crazy Nights soundtrack is much more PG than Sandlers normal comedy albums would be. The type of thing you could spin without offending our grandparents.
You might be surprised, I remember it being pretty racy for a PG-13 movie. But it was animated so I was allowed to watch it 😅🤷‍♀️