Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I bought that and they sold out after the fact and didn't send it to me.

Good times.

Thank you for this not at all painful reminder.

I bought one, got a warped copy, was told there were 0 replacements. Then they found some and I asked chat what the hell, and they sent it to me. Been sitting in the "to play box" ever since.
New old stock up now. Madlib, Eddie Suzuki, Clairo, Nancy Sinatra.

Don't even know why I'm looking, I'm not even a member anymore 🙃
New old stock up now. Madlib, Eddie Suzuki, Clairo, Nancy Sinatra.

Don't even know why I'm looking, I'm not even a member anymore 🙃
Sun Ra's Lanquidity in there too
Sun Ra's Lanquidity in there too

I know it's more money but I thoroughly recommend the Lanquidity box that Strut put out at the same time as this. Sounds fantastic, 4lP's at 45rpm and a decent booklet. One disc did have issues but they made it right and its fantastic.

I was just listening to Lanquidity this morning. The back half of which turned out to be baby's first Sun Ra!


I'll definitely second @Selaws in recommending the box set if it's within your means - it's an absolutely wonderful package. That said, any Lanquidity is better than no Lanquidity!
Really great BUT I went through 2-3 copies until I got a flat set. Im convinced it was an issue with all of them. The shrink was on so tight that it might have been that.

If they're just dish-warped I'll probably stick with it and hit up one of the kind folks in the vinyl flat thread. I recently got the Earthgang RSD release and it was the same issue: two records in a single sleeve, tightly sealed resulting in massive dishing.