Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

that tool box set, shitty presses the past year or so, worsening customer service, increasing prices etc made me quit vmp this week. ive been a loyal dude from the beginning with the og subscription (before it was called essentials) and then the hip hop. pretty sure i can use the 440 x 2 a year for way better stuff than what vmp consistently marks up offers. what used to be a supportable idea is just exploitation at this point.
Yeah, I don't get it. Take some pride in your city! (not directed at youse)
Yeah it's been a mess, masks on the ground everywhere,people don't put lids on their trash cans and it just blows all over the place, people just toss their cigarette butts and sandwich wrappers out of their car window. So many people don't bother picking up their dogs poop . Theres no street cleaning and the trashmen get about 3/4ths of the trash in the truck and the other 1/4 just blows around and they toss the cans in the middle of the street.
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Great album and Rising pick, but this album originally came out in 2016! Not sure why it took so long to get on vinyl; those pressing plants must be really backed up.
Hi guys and gals, I uh... wrote a couple of words about what we now know about Claudia Thompson over in the General Music/Vinyl forum.
