Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Also, isn't Arcade Fire breaking up or something?
Also, isn't Arcade Fire breaking up or something?
I know Will Butler is leaving, but I didn't hear anything about them breaking up.

I can't remember the last time I clicked pre-order on a VMP store drop so quickly.
I think I'll wait and see what's in the TBT drop before committing to this. I'm not expecting much in the TBT but VMP impressed me with their flash sale last week so maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised with a random Flight To Brazil appearance tomorrow or something.
I think I'll wait and see what's in the TBT drop before committing to this. I'm not expecting much in the TBT but VMP impressed me with their flash sale last week so maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised with a random Flight To Brazil appearance tomorrow or something.
This one seems to have the most interest out of all today's drops. Hopefully will still be there for you.
Timmies is no longer Canadian and I am not ashamed to say that it's the goddamn worst coffee in North America.

The Hip are legends though and I wonder how people would react if they were an Essentials ROTM.
Agreed 💯 on Timmies! I can't stand their coffee ☕️or whatever that shit 💩 is, and for a minute I forgot they're now owned by Burger 🍔 King 👑
Have you heard his other stuff? "Watermelon man" is his most famous thing by far (well and Mel brooks riffs on his name in "blazing saddles")
Yeah I am familiar with some of his other stuff, including Watermelon Man, but never heard this full album before now. Sounds fantastic!

In Herbie Hancock's autobiography, he talks about how the success of Mongo Santamaria's version benefitted him greatly. Herbie was one of the few musicians that retained rights to his music and I think I'm remembering correctly that he said Santamaria's version paid his bills for several years.