Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

In the instance this is not a 'who's on first' situation, it's a song off Fashion Nugget that got a ton of play.

Oh ok. As I said I don’t think they translated. Also it seems that album was 98. Beyond big acts US music wasn’t getting played all that much on UK radio, 97/98 was pretty stacked for stuff over here lol.
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Those are gorgeous. Do you use either of them or are they more for display? The Japanese one in particular, I bet it cuts like butter but I would also feel guilty nervous about sharpening it.
Yes the Japanese one is my usual kitchen knife but when I bought it I totally did not realize that Japanese blue steel is CRAZY brittle and you can't cut anything even remotely hard or you can easily break the blade. Like even something like parm cheese is too hard. So that's why I aborted my plan to buy a whole set. But when it's sharp it's scary sharp. Like, insane. And it stays that way for a very long time but I totally have no idea where to take it to get it sharpened... I gotta call the place I got it from...

The other one I don't use much as it's an odd size but no, no display knives. I think I don't need to cultivate that image any further thanks to you psychos.
Oh ok. As I said I don’t think they translated. Also it seems that album was 98. Beyond big acts US music wasn’t getting played all that much on UK radio, 97/98 was pretty stacked for stuff over here lol.
I know you are gonna say you never listened to popular radio or whatever but both the Singles for “The Distance” (#22) and “I Will Survive” (#29) made it on the UK charts, in the US neither cracked to main billboard chart (though they both made the Alternative chart).
I know you are gonna say you never listened to popular radio or whatever but both the Singles for “The Distance” (#22) and “I Will Survive” (#29) made it on the UK charts, in the US neither cracked to main billboard chart (though they both made the Alternative chart).

No I would have listened to BBC radio 1 like everyone else, I was 14/15, but I genuinely have no recollection of them being on either it or top of the pops at all.

Honestly though unless you were a music press darling or it was an anchor on the way up to higher chart positions, two entries that peaked that low down in the top 40 wouldn’t have generated much buzz.
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No I would have listened to BBC radio 1 like everyone else, I was 14, but I genuinely have no recollection of them being on either it or top of the pops at all.
Yeah, I was roughly the same age and had the CD on heavy rotation. I don’t know if you were into Beck’s Odelay or Sublime’s Self-Titled album but Cake kinda worked well with those records vibe wise.
Sublime in the 90s: "Hey, this is kind of cool."
Sublime in 2022: "If I hear that fucking band one more time I may start stabbing people."

I think I only really had exposure to them circa 2002 due to the one guy in our uni halls that was into “American stuff”. In reality that meant he had lots of pairs of Etnies and listened to sublime and a couple of others but anyway. First time I heard that horrible date rape song my reaction was along the lines of the realisation that a species that produced this does not deserve to survive…