Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

welp, I'm back for 6 months thanks to the $60 in store credit. I signed up for Thin Lizzy, hoping to do Patsy Cline next month. I haven't done this in a while, does anyone know how many of those are floating around? If it's about to sell out I will just use credit for it but hoping to get it as next month's AOTM instead.
This reminds of the old store when we used to be able to figure inventory based on how many we could add to our cart 😂
You can run stock checks with the Shopify Shop app. It works in most cases, though ROTM counts seem to fluctuate & sometimes aren't listed. Patsy Cline and Tical are both unlisted...but the Carter III restock somehow is?

All that aside, it usually works. For instance, there's 1189 copies of Epiphany left
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I had to know that VMP would have the most boring color.
While I’m not gonna preorder this from VMP (I am just gonna pick up a copy from my local when it’s released) but I think that teal sea glass color of the wax compliments the coral pink labels quite nicely. Might be my favorite of the bunch.