Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Mavis showed as Waitlist Me Please right away but I went and got that Booker T Christmas album. Then after I completed the order I went back and saw Mavis was now in stock.

Ehh... I was always on the fence for that album and it's still relatively cheap on discogs if I do ever want to pull the trigger.

Thank God I already had most of the Really Good Stuff, otherwise that would have been a much more stressful and frustrating experience.
So, am I correct in assuming that they hyped this up, and only had one or two copies of the popular titles they found in the back room?
Back 'in the day' thats exactly what it was minus the hype. They used to limit it to 1-2 titles and announce on Twitter before dropping them.

It was always tricky to get anything but because it wasn't hyped it seemed more fair(?). I managed to get The National's Cherry Tree that way.