Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Missing half the list but can't wait until reddit starts raging that they didn't have a thousand copies of Fugees on hand and it sells out within half a second.
Prophesy fulfilled (I mean, it's not a full on meltdown but I don't think anyone actually secured a copy, despite logging on exactly at TBT time).

They should really remove their super-low stock albums from the preview lists and tell people to check the store for "surprises" instead of doing this song and dance with high profile titles every time.

Has anyone noticed how much VMP is keeping up with adding records to the renewal deal? (The VMP10 records that are 250+ at this point). As I look at it now, there is literally not a single record that I would want (I've been a member for years and basically have the VMP records that I want). But in theory over the next few months there might be things that I would just curious if they keep this relatively current (i.e. as soon as something hits swaps, does it also go into the VMP10 deal?), or is it all old Tennis and Torres records?

Also, how long do I have to use the deal? Is it a year before it expires?

I don't know how often they're adding new titles to the deal, but to answer your second question, VMP will reach out to you with the deal offer about a month or so before your subscription ends. However, if you want to renew your sub and take the deal sooner than that, I think you just need to hit up customer service and they'll get you set up. As far as I know, the deal lasts until the end of this year so I guess if you let your sub lapse now but resubscribe before the end of December, you'll still qualify for the deal.

So for example my sub is up in August so I wouldn't expect to hear from VMP offering me the deal until probably around early July, unless I reach out to them first. And if I decide to not renew in August but jump back in with a multi-month sub in December, I'll still qualify for the deal.
For anyone who has renewed and received the free records coupon, how long do you have to use it?
If you received a code, they expire at the end of 2023
Can you double dip on the bonus offer? Meaning, could someone renew for 6 months today and get 3 free records, and then renew for 12 months in November and get 8 more freebies?
Yep, you can double dip. If you know you're going to subscribe anyway, I'd suggest it.
Can you double dip on the bonus offer? Meaning, could someone renew for 6 months today and get 3 free records, and then renew for 12 months in November and get 8 more freebies?
Theoretically yes. I renewed in January, got a free record and got an email the other day that said I would get a code tomorrow when I renew and I could upgrade to get more records. But it’s VMP so who the fuck actually knows? I’m sure they are all working around the clock to figure it out.