Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I don't but honestly, it's really well done and I do throw parts of it on from time to time. Like I'm glad to have it for... $34.
Yeah, It was one of those albums that I had an opportunity to swap for and probably should have just for the value (as in I could have likely traded it for something I really wanted) but I knew more than likely it woulda ended up sitting next to my Garth Brooks box collecting dust and taking up shelf space.
As someone who paid for the Vanguard anthology not too many months ago, this actually pisses me off enough I'm thinking about my plans to rejoin next month.

I'm happy for whomever gets this in swaps, but at the same time this was a lot of fucking money and I had no clue there was a possibility of it coming up in swaps. VMP seems to enjoy kicking people in the nutsack every so often.
Understand, but this is like buying a shirt you really, really want to have and then finding out it is on sale a month later.

Yeah, it's a hurt, but then again, you had it and enjoyed it in the interim, and there is never a guarantee it will still be around by sale time.

It is also true that the 'sale' customer is usually not the 'regular price' customer, the sale just allows the retailer to clear out stock no longer moving and gives buyers who otherwise can't afford it a chance.