Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Mike did some math, and on a 1-year sub right now with a referral link and the 8 free records on sign-up you'd be looking at under $25/record for the 20 records you'd get:

That's not bad at all. I've been tempted a few times over the past few months but it was soo freeing cutting the chains a while back that I'm weary of returning. My main beef looking back is that I settled for a lot of records I didn't really need because I'm not returning to them much.
you will need to let your account lapse or sign up with a new email address. theres some fine print saying it will not work with a current account. BUT if you have an old account and a non-active membership, it should still work with that account.
Ok, and we think(/hope) that the referral thing will still be going after 1st of the month I guess....
you will need to let your account lapse or sign up with a new email address. theres some fine print saying it will not work with a current account. BUT if you have an old account and a non-active membership, it should still work with that account.
Just remembered: I initially tried to claim the referral offer with an older email address and it didn't let me claim cause they already had my email address on file. So its a net new user offer it seems. Wonder if lapsing will actually work for the offer?
That's not bad at all. I've been tempted a few times over the past few months but it was soo freeing cutting the chains a while back that I'm weary of returning. My main beef looking back is that I settled for a lot of records I didn't really need because I'm not returning to them much.

I fully get that. I think I'm getting roped back in, only because there are enough things I know for a fact right now that I want or have wanted since I left. I don't see myself staying on after for the price, but we'll see. The free shipping's not as exciting as it used to be since everything's so damn expensive anymore, but the easy replacements are definitely good.
Ok, and we think(/hope) that the referral thing will still be going after 1st of the month I guess....
I asked Paulie and he said they hope to have this be a recurring referral promo. that could change at any time of course especially if it gets taken advantage of.

Just remembered: I initially signed up with an older email address and it didn't let me claim cause they already had my email address on file. So its a net new user offer it seems. Wonder if lapsing will actually work for the offer?
interesting. they said it would work with an old email address if you had an account with it as long as that is not an active account currently.
I really do my damndest to give Bozo any of my money.
However, I did break down and buy the 5LP Tool set from US Amazon for cheaper than the 3LP version after exchange.
And the nearly half-price Mingus box set accideal. my hands are NOT clean.

My tolerance is very low with records I buy from them.

I bought the Revolver box on sale last week and the damned thing (a GZ pressing) is incredibly noisy between the songs and into the first 2-3 seconds of each side. I'd keep that if I bought it anywhere else, but I've been waffling for a week about returning it because it's so annoying hearing that static into the first few notes of Taxman.
That's not bad at all. I've been tempted a few times over the past few months but it was soo freeing cutting the chains a while back that I'm weary of returning. My main beef looking back is that I settled for a lot of records I didn't really need because I'm not returning to them much.
swap for credit has been my friend the past few months as I felt the same about buying stuff I didn't really need. then i used that in conjunction with a 20% off code to grab the Miles anthology.
I asked Paulie and he said they hope to have this be a recurring referral promo. that could change at any time of course especially if it gets taken advantage of.

interesting. they said it would work with an old email address if you had an account with it as long as that is not an active account currently.
I'd love to take advantage of it, but none of these so called forum "friends" are using my referral code to give me free money 😂
swap for credit has been my friend the past few months as I felt the same about buying stuff I didn't really need. then i used that in conjunction with a 20% off code to grab the Miles anthology.

That MIles anthology is the most tempting of them all, but the extra shipping and duties on top of a shitty Canadian dollar are very preventative...
swap for credit has been my friend the past few months as I felt the same about buying stuff I didn't really need. then i used that in conjunction with a 20% off code to grab the Miles anthology.

I keep looking at the records they have up and there are definitely a few things I'd like. Not sure I'd do a full year, but if I did sub back in, I think I've learned my lesson and would swap for credit when need be. I did that a few times before quitting (2 years sober now, except for that relapse a year ago) and it was definitely a good option.
How are their GZ pressings these days? Are the problematic runs mainly a thing of the past now?
Transatlanticism had issues for me. I couldn't get a flat OR quiet one. But nearly everything else has been much better than the pandemic years. And as usual, VMP has been good with any replacements for me if I have needed any.