Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Went with Nina's bundle and Busta Rhyme exclusives that I've had in my wish list for a while. I'll wait and see for the first reviews before going with the Impulse box.
I went for the impulse box last sale. If the quality of it sucks (which I doubt it will) then figure I’ll either get replacements or a refund. Don’t see that box going cheaper than 40% off
Also it’s easy to cancel existing preorders and reorder at the 40% off price. Just recommend you place the new order first in case something sells out. Buy the new one with coupon then email CS to cancel your old order.
Good shout! Just did this with my Nina and Schmilson bundles. Here’s hoping CS doesn’t cancel the new order and leave the old ones up
Yea people think because the less popular anthologies have made it to swaps that every anthology is going to make it to swaps…it’s very unlikely like you said. I remember people didn’t want to buy Miles because they thought it would end up in swaps eventually

Yup. I see Memphis' Rap going to swaps soon but not the others.