Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Cadet anthology is back in stock. It seems they made it show OOS yesterday during the final hours of the Holiday 40 sale so people wouldn't stack their new credits/referrals + discounts against the anthologies?
i see it as Waitlist for me. Often times in fulfillment platforms, if you see an In Stock on an item from your unfulfilled orders or cart, it simply means the item is on a shelf in a warehouse and can be shipped once the order is picked- the item may be reserved for pending orders but can't be ordered any further unless you allow for that sort of thing due to restocks. so it's wonky and confusing, like a lot of what they do.
i see it as Waitlist for me. Often times in fulfillment platforms, if you see an In Stock on an item from your unfulfilled orders or cart, it simply means the item is on a shelf in a warehouse and can be shipped once the order is picked- the item may be reserved for pending orders but can't be ordered any further unless you allow for that sort of thing due to restocks. so it's wonky and confusing, like a lot of what they do.
It’s in @Ghost ’s cart, not his orders though. They don’t reserve items in cart
It’s in @Ghost ’s cart, not his orders though. They don’t reserve items in cart
if he placed the item in the cart before it was out of stock, it could still show as in stock because there is product on the shelf but it's spoken for, but when you go to place the order, it'll probably throw an error

i think he's going to just have to take a $400 chance on this one to see how it shakes out - those are the rules