Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Well the warehouse finally finished their investigation of my in stock order from November that still hasn't shipped and they said it should go out some time in February 🙄 but they were kind enough to give me a $15 credit for a four month shipping delay on in stock items....
🧐Like did you involve pauly, because I'm not that guy, but I think this would be time to be that guy. I mean, why didn't they just ship your damn items and investigate later and why do you have to wait at least half a month for them to leave the warehouse now?
These comments about Mill Street are funny. My wife and I were stuck in YYZ for a long spell trying to get to Newfoundland in 2018. We ate and drank at their "pub" in the terminal. I just checked my Untappd. Yes, it looks like I didn't really think they were anything worth writing home about. These corporate behemoths just ruin everything - like they did with my beloved Goose.

and PS because I haven't said this enough, FUCK Sapporo.