Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I don’t understand his complaint, “they have silly names for their colors so the quality has gone down”? Prices going up is def an issue, especially for international subscribers but quality? If anything it’s gotten better (at least in my case, ymmv, I know some folks have major issues)
Guess he’s gotta make videos about something…he doesn’t care where records are pressed but just cares about attention to detail that goes into the pressings…but the good plants are the ones that pay attention to detail lol. Guy’s a bozo.
He was really really in love with VMP.
I could only make it to 3:15, but I knew right away that he was devastated.
I mean… he is at a place that a lot of us get to… you think you are a music fan and then you get all this new stuff thrown at you and you gobble it up and then you realize that maybe you don’t need someone to curate everything for you. They are great for new music fans or people new to vinyl.

I mean he buys ERC he was never really gonna be happy with any GZ records.
Guess he’s gotta make videos about something…he doesn’t care where records are pressed but just cares about attention to detail that goes into the pressings…but the good plants are the ones that pay attention to detail lol. Guy’s a bozo.
I guess, but I don’t see him arguing that they’ve somehow gotten worse; he says his leaving predates the news about the plant, but this is kind of weird logic
Well, since we are posting random dudes on the internet’s thoughts…

Full disclosure, I have not watched this yet.

gist: he was in contact with cam througout the building process of the plant because he wanted to visit the plant once it was running but now cam is fired and than refers to the article posted here earlie from businessden. he says he contacted new ceo Matt to see if he still can visit the plant which should be difficult because vmp(lease) is obviously not owned by the same people as vmp(lant)
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I just want to go on record as stating I do not care about Very Meaty Pizza’s pressing plant and I do not think VMP will be going the way of BandBox soon (though they use the same pyramid scheme to keep their cash flow going).

What I do find hilarious is corporate shenanigans. You can use all the HBS buzzwords, but at the end of the day most boards and C-Suite denizens act like 6 year olds sitting in a sandbox, hurling cat turds at each other.
How can it be any kind of debate whatsoever? Their logo is ON THE FUCKING BUILDING
seems to me VMP was happy to have their name attached to it despite not legally fully owning it. VMP opening their own plant was good PR when the pandemic delays were a thing, but after 3 years of delays and people complaining about their 2 year long preorders, VMP probably wanted out.