Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)


Barnes and Noble has a variant as well.

View attachment 203731

Barnes and Noble has a variant as well.

Any reason why VMPs is $13 more expensive?
Was Storf high when he wrote the description for the Louis Armstrong album? Just saw it in my email and I might get the album but his description is off by like 12 years haha! This recording happened in 1968 unless I’m completely missing something. View attachment 203742
It's pretty sure that's right unless he performed with them more than once...

Who knows man, this article says 1968:
But also says it is a 2 lp set.
Yeah it sounds like he's talking about the earlier Philharmonic concert. But that article is discussing the later BBC sessions. So yeah... who knows. Maybe mix of both...
Is the royal philharmonic and the london

theyve corrected the title since I linked it and it now says 13 track lp instead of double lp. I’m guessing it’s the 68 show.
looks like it on a reread of this

Strange though. Very unlike VMP to make such a simple error. With its quality control I’d have expected them to be all over this
Just reading up on it and that 56 concert was not recorded at all because the British Musicians Union forbade it. But as the article states: "Trumpeter Humphrey Lyttelton had a feeling this was going to be an important night and wanting a souvenir, placed a reel-to-reel tape recorder in a backstage dressing room, capturing the sounds onstage as piped through a monitor."

The quality is uh, not good.

So yeah uh, this is why you have copy editors kids.