Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

MOR has been pushed back to January 2025. Same goes with the Dead box set.

Me and that Dead box...

MOR has been pushed back to January 2025. Same goes with the Dead box set.
They seem to be really turning it around.
There can't be that many people lined up to to renew their memberships at their overinflated prices and inability to to ship things on time. I mean I know they have about 50 discord apologists but that seems to be about it these days.
Discord is an echo chamber.

There is actually excess manufacturing capacity these days. So the fact that VMP can't get these titles pressed, and keep extending already long delays, is another indication of a sinking ship.

Probable cause - an accounts payable crisis, extending payments way past due date to preserve cash. That's a spiral that is very hard to get out of as suppliers then bottleneck your orders and even start demanding payment in advance.