Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Well, I was debating swapping my RHH for either At War With the Mystics or Classics... ended up just adding classics and swapping RHH for Flaming Lips. Good thing I get paid tomorrow...

But I'm really picky with jazz so I it's always nice when I come across an album I really like. I need to broaden my horizons.
Decided to swap QotSA for Brubeck. I like SFTD, but it’s almost like a relic of my youth. I rarely go back to that era any more so I just don’t ever see myself spinning that record.

Brubeck was originally gonna be a “add to the swap queue” but the latest little round of FOMO suckered me into getting it right away.

Lastly I’m also swapping for Living Legends. Sounds like stock for that is starting to get low and it really is the sort of RHH album that’d be in my wheelhouse.
I'm in for Brubeck and added RHH to swap for Kingfish Ingram. I think I'm keeping QOTSA although they're not really in my wheelhouse. I tried that record several times over the years but, sometimes, music clicks when I hear it on vinyl at home. Still debating that with myself though. I wouldn't mind a copy of Funkdafied eventually.
I like Brubreck, I was hoping it would stick around for a bit and I could pick it up later, and swap for something that's running low like Energy Control Center, or that Flaming Lips I missed last month, but I don't think I should take a chance. I have a feeling all 3 are going to sell out this month.
I could be wrong about this, but I would be surprised if Brubeck does not come back in stock at some point. Most of the past few ROTMs have gone in and out of stock for awhile (sold out initially, then came back for some period of time). The only ones that really never came back were Lloyd Miller and Art Blakey.

I'm locked in for Brubeck now, but I may opt out if they can get some of these November exclusives in stock before swaps close (Caribou, Stones...)