A response came in regarding sending the Mobb Deep albums back. They provide the shipping label and are, essentially, asking people to return these albums without any verification that they will receive the test pressings that they've requested. The crazy part is that some people seem to be tripping over themselves trying to mail them back, anyway, convinced they are the only person asking for Flight To Brazil and it's going to be theirs without question.
So... yeah, a shipping label is provided and a return is requested with instructions. Then they follow up with
"Really appreciate your help; we have the best customers!
I am currently in North Carolina at our warehouse. When I am back in Denver next week I will reach out to confirm your test pressing and the date of the raffle, which will probably be at the end of next week."
Good thing about those test pressings is, they've probably never been played. Ha!
Part of me wants something like the Dilla test pressing, just so I have evidence that "swoosh" was avoidable
Yeah I’d be tempted by the Beach House rice crispies edition test myself just to see if it was crackly as hell too and they just went “fuck it”.
Yes on the initial pressing but they fixed it with the repress they sent everyone.Wasn't that Stars album fucked up?
Yes on the initial pressing but they fixed it with the repress they sent everyone.
Not sure where everyone thinks there will be some X or Y test pressing. All they will do is take a left over copy of the Tabakin album and stick it in a white sleeve.
Ask for a test pressing of Mobb Deep.Here's the list of test pressings I'm requesting
Swoosh Dilla
Beach House crispies
Locked groove Gorillaz
Wasn't that Stars album fucked up?
Anything else? I know there was, but I just can't remember
Ask for a test pressing of Mobb Deep.
A response came in regarding sending the Mobb Deep albums back. They provide the shipping label and are, essentially, asking people to return these albums without any verification that they will receive the test pressings that they've requested. The crazy part is that some people seem to be tripping over themselves trying to mail them back, anyway, convinced they are the only person asking for Flight To Brazil and it's going to be theirs without question.
So... yeah, a shipping label is provided and a return is requested with instructions. Then they follow up with
"Really appreciate your help; we have the best customers!
I am currently in North Carolina at our warehouse. When I am back in Denver next week I will reach out to confirm your test pressing and the date of the raffle, which will probably be at the end of next week."
As much as this may irritate some, they should have just said "We fucked up, If you get missed because of our fuck up we'll refund your purchase price".It crossed my mind.
Another crazy thing is that the label provided is going to Saddle Creek and lists the CFO's name and address in Denver as the return address that it's being mailed from. They don't want to risk these going back to the mailer in any way.
Don't they foresee an issue when they're requesting everyone to send these back with no guarantees, only to result in everyone being pissed after they've shipped them out and don't get what they requested?
Who is it that's at the warehouse? Can you tell them to personally package and send my records, please?
As much as this may irritate some, they should have just said "We fucked up, If you get missed because of our fuck up we'll refund your purchase price".
The only reason I would say not to do that was because it was a short run production, this whole thing boils down to who you want to piss off, because you're going to piss off someone. I'n not saying the refund route is the best solution, but in this instance you take the heat and move on, trying to fix this, in my opinion, is making it worse. Your asking for even more fall out with this cock-a-mammy raffle BS.Nah, they should have pressed the shortfall and sent them out.
The only reason I would say not to do that was because it was a short run production, this whole thing boils down to who you want to piss off, because you're going to piss off someone. I'n not saying the refund route is the best solution, but in this instance you take the heat and move on, trying to fix this, in my opinion, is making it worse. Your asking for even more fall out with this cock-a-mammy raffle BS.
EDIT: Not to mention what happens when they get damaged albums back from those who got multiples, do they send those out AGAIN just to get more heat from those who missed out in the original shipment and got "subscriber" replacements? To many reasons for more problems, refund and be done with it.