Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

After much soul searching have to decided to take a step back from the Sasquatch and the Flying Pig business juggernaut in order to work on my personal and mental health. I'd like to thank everyone for their support and just leave off by saying, that wasn't me in that video.
Thank you and goodnight.
Sorry...VMP has already shipped out your album's pressings despite the release date being in a few months!
Y'all might appreciate this.
Got home yesterday night after a day out with the family. A large box is on the porch.

My 2-year-old: "Look, Daddy got more records!"

...and she was right.
The other day we were watching the Jeopardy championship. When Trebeck said Jennings broke all the Jeopardy records. My five year old daughter looks at me and says I wish he’d come break all your records . Rude