Preorder the albums you want and cancel them if they make it to swaps.What would you do? Three month of essentials for $54 or Jason Isbell and The National for $89 shipped. Just don't see either of those records making it to swaps. What do you all think?
My Stooges and Otis showed up yesterday without notice, first time I've had that happen in 4 years.
Am I completely insane (most likely) or did VMP already do a pressing of Cornelius' Fantasma? Maybe I'm thinking of just a reissue when they used to "curate" with random non-VMP releases in the store? Don't see one on Discogs so I'm going to default to the parentheses....
Well now, I thought I'd had every issue in the books but THAT... that's a new one.I do feel some of these VMP issues are like a broken record but this is crossing the line...
View attachment 41474
Well now, I thought I'd had every issue in the books but THAT... that's a new one.
Is the record actually flat? It's like a perfect crease.Mailer and LP jacket were pristine so that narrows it down. I reckon it's probably smeared with Covid-19 as well.
Is the record actually flat? It's like a perfect crease.
View attachment 41324
Naked Garden
The 2020 update to POTR's 2019 album, this edition has B-sides and alternate takes of jams from that album, and comes on brown
Since their policy states they ship by the 15th of each month I reached out to them yesterday because I still don't see it in informed delivery and haven't gotten a shipping email. As expected they said the coronavirus is slowing things down and that it should ship by next Friday. This is definitely the longest I've waited for my box and the first time it's in danger of arriving in the correct month. It's also my last month with them for now, so I wonder if they BOTS'd me on purpose haha
Spoiler: First 4 tracks are excellent