Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Ya, not being a member anymore it's gonna run $60 with shipping and tax, so I wanted to check on it.
$60 is steep but I guess it depends on how much you enjoy the album. Its also been in swaps the past few months so maybe another option is to find a member who would be willing to pick it up as an add on for $33 and pay them to ship it to you? I'd offer but my tracks are currently full.
It’s fine. A solid press, nothing special, more like their When The Pawn rather than their Tidal, for example. It’s likely a fair way ahead of the plain but that’s not going to be saying much. It’s a lot of money for the quality of the press and packaging.
Ya, PMed @TheThinWhiteDuke, we'll see if we can strike a deal, lol. Outside of that, not willing to pay for an OG or any of the other reissues for that matter, been holding out on this album, it might end up being a CD purchase.
Ya, PMed @TheThinWhiteDuke, we'll see if we can strike a deal, lol. Outside of that, not willing to pay for an OG or any of the other reissues for that matter, been holding out on this album, it might end up being a CD purchase.

Yeah I bought it off them because it finished the collection and one album out of an artist on CD when the rest was on vinyl would wreck my head 😂

I don’t want to pooh pooh it, it’s not bad, it’s likely better than the OG, it’s just not anything more than the norm that we should expect and it is for audiophile money.
Ya, PMed @TheThinWhiteDuke, we'll see if we can strike a deal, lol. Outside of that, not willing to pay for an OG or any of the other reissues for that matter, been holding out on this album, it might end up being a CD purchase.
fyi, and i don't know how important/germane this might be to you, this one has a dualdisc DVD/CD release available. Fiona Apple - Extraordinary Machine It's nice if you can find it, but I wouldn't go out of my way for it.
It sounds good, however I will also add there are no fill issues on side C and D on some copies. My copy is perfect except for the first song on side D which is unlistenable due to no fill. In terms of sound I found it better than When The Pawn which I think is the worst of the bunch by a fair bit. Being "Mastered by Capitol" owes a fair bit to that in terms of When The Pawn I think. Anything I have stamped with that has tended to be pretty average. I think it's a pretty good listen if you get a clean one. That's good extension on some if the instruments like the bells and whatnot. But for that price and knowing that they can press it until forever it's a bit of a tough buy.