Yeah but it’s fugly.
The black and the brown aren't too bad, and as noted it's cheap, but be aware that (1) with shipping the price will double and (2) the box is large and dang heavy, probably really should ship on a pallet (I'm surprised FedEx/UPS would take them). I ordered two, they both had shipping damage (dropped), ordered two more and both of those were also dropped and damaged worse than the first set. I Gave up, and since I was using two to make one rack I used the four best shelves/pipes to make said rack. Otherwise, I'd be furious: four racks, and none were useable on their own.
Did a few mods - the tubes for the feet are now shelf spacers for a couple shorter components, added some zinc plated washers to the tube ends for a bit of "bling". The bottom shelf is sized for LP storage if you choose, but that wasn't the goal for this build so shorter tubes were used instead. Not the greatest thing ever, but not too shabby and will hold us over.
Still setting up (its a bit further from the right wall now...)