VMP Limited Tracks - Vinyl Me, Parton

Perfect, thank you! Now to see about my credit for ODB.
I mean I wouldn’t call it perfect but it’s better than wondering if I get it or if I’ll have to wait until June. Problem now is what if there are widespread defects and I can’t get a replacement because they held onto it so i wouldn’t feel gypped when I didn’t get my eyeglass holder or whatever?
I mean I wouldn’t call it perfect but it’s better than wondering if I get it or if I’ll have to wait until June. Problem now is what if there are widespread defects and I can’t get a replacement because they held onto it so i wouldn’t feel gypped when I didn’t get my eyeglass holder or whatever?
Where's your $85?
@Lee Newman was your communication with Paulie on Discord? I’d like to get some answers about ODB. The poor girl yesterday didn’t seem to have any idea about people getting credit for the delay. I couldn’t find an email either saying mine was delayed.
I wish all of the merch items had been this useful. Also, how the fuck did they run out? Did someone not inventory them when they came in? Finally, totally cool with them ditching the liner notes and providing these for each and every ROTM.