Well-Known Member
I joined them for like one month and cancelled. The one record I got wasn’t too bad, but I felt that it was kinda a waste of money since I already have had a good experience with VMP.
is it hand-written or hand-written font
its basically normies first record subscription.. you get some trendy records from bands they would usually like, with a fake theme of "selecting your trend" to make it seem personally tailored. and then playing them on their crosleys. and marketed to hell and back from nick alt following every single vinyl instagram to giving any even small influencer a free box to unbox for youtube. even ignoring their infamously bad start up (where they gave old dollar store records instead of the big albums they promised and lied about their kickstarter... claiming to be a kind of netflix for vinyl but then found that was illegal). they have been known to not have the best record selection and people getting the exact same record even when they choose a different #vibe
this video from someone who would CLEARLY be in their target demographic (loves artists like halsey, taylor swift, lana del rey, etc):
I have never heard of this company until now, and read all the posts here and watched the video you linked. Seems super shady to me, the video of that warped record (can it even be called a record in that condition?) is ludicrous as well.
The idea of curating records to the individuals taste/collection is great, but in reality they are clearly going to be bulk buying a select few and making those 'fit' into your tastes. It seems like a fun concept but I think if I wanted that kind of curation its probably safer just to go to your local shop and ask the staff to recommend something.
Yep, support local businesses!
You don't even want to know how many records I buy from Bull Moose. Does the RAA exist (Record Addictions Anonymous)? I probably need some help.
For me, I buy everything I want locally.
I like the VNYL subscription for discovering things / getting music I don't know / otherwise would never have bought and giving it a chance.
A co-worker signed up for VNYL. They sent her this:
thats a great 22$ frisbee you got there
Actually, they have changed things up recently.
You don't select a Vibe that's a trend anymore. Now you pick between 5 or so exclusive pressings of the month. You get the 1 exclusive plus 2 curated picks. And yes, one of their other curated picks can be an other one of their exclusive. If you don't like any of the exclusives you can still pick an all curated options.
Their picks are getting better too. It's no longer just trendy bands and overstock they bought cheap. There are some real gems. I have gotten Tancred from them, Soccer Mommy, 311, Jimmy Hendrix, Metalica, Dana Fuchs, American Football, The Ting Tings, Kacy Muskgraves, Lovelytheband.
They take about 3 to 5 weeks to ship your order, but that is because they curate each order and write hand written notes. I have never had any issues with them over the last 2 years the quality of their offerings has definitely went up.
If you leave notes on your account of what you like they tend to following them. For example, I have instructions to pick female vocalists from indie, alternative and rock groups as well as country. And they do a pretty good job of trying to accommodate that request.
Last month I picked the Sun June Exclusive. They curated Neon Gold NGX: Ten Years of Neon Gold and Lovelytheband to go with it.
My only word of caution is for the most part they stick to new artist or things that have come out in the last decade. Only every once in awhile they throw out a pick where you get classics like Jimmy Hendrix. And you know what Jimmy Hendrix record they are giving you.
So if you are in to create digging and older music VNYL is not for you. If you like current alternative and indie music they do a great job lately.
They have, but many times they announced and sent them out prior to Soul Step announcing them, I found out about a few SS releases that wayI saw that they recently started having Soul Step Exclusive which I think this awesome.
They have, but many times they announced and sent them out prior to Soul Step announcing them, I found out about a few SS releases that way
They have, but many times they announced and sent them out prior to Soul Step announcing them, I found out about a few SS releases that way
also how do you pronounced VNYL
i always say it as vih nile
to quote the great teen girl squadVINYL.
They are doing that trendy thing where they drop the vowels
The Turntable or the Vinyl?..........The Arm is to short its inherently flawed........its like a T-Rex trying to touch its toes/or scratch its back.....Crosley and Hanpin of China makes a billion of these plastic TT's OEM and slaps whatever name you want on them.....Sony,AT,Denon,Pioneer and sends them west where they get sold for anywhere from $99 to $199........everything about them is shit and inherently flawed..........then they are bought buy people who want to get into vinyl and "Think" the TT is the cats meow(but they know it really isnt) or worse they are innocent and buy new vinyl only to be crucified on said players..................bluntly put.......your better off not even getting into vinyl with these TT's.........Your CD's will sound better for the most part then a $50-$100 TT...................."Vinyl Magic" or what have you needs to at least start at $299(at least)-$499 for a TT.............otherwise your just throwing your money away..............being extreamly blunt here and its just my opinion.....................oh and yes your friends vinyl record that Vnyl sent is fcuked
Yeah, I try my best not to be a record snob but her subscribing to VNYL and owning a Crosley does make it really hard.
Same here, it really grinds me when people try to seem elitist when it comes to any hobby (its the main reason I stopped going on reddit vinyl - that and the endless 4 records being posted over and over).Yeah, I try my best not to be a record snob but her subscribing to VNYL and owning a Crosley does make it really hard.
Mine was ne of those wooden all in one do-hickeys. We all start somewhere.My first record player was a suitcase thing-a-ma-bob.