What's Spinning

Glass Candy - B/E/A/T/B/O/X (2007) - Random album selection for tonight... I should really play this one more often. The Italians Do It Better record label is one of my favorites. They continue to release some of the best albums out there, from a small roster of artists (like Glass Candy, Chromatics, Johnny Jewel, Desire, and a few others). Not only do their vinyl pressings look and sound great but they've always included lots of freebies when you order direct from their website. In terms of Glass Candy, I got to see them in concert once, around the time this was originally released, opening for Architecture In Helsinki


This Speaker’s Corner press sounds pretty, pretty, pretty good. Cheers @Mr Moore
Some of the more slept on Jazz fusion releases from 2017. Also strangely hard to track down, particularly 'Unplugged' (I think the regular 'Gumbo' is still up on his site. But yeah amazingly cohesive body of work, and I personally absolutely LOVE the 'Unplugged' version because I got a chance to see it live and it was just mind-blowingly good. But that is in no way saying 'Gumbo' alone is bad in anyway. It's just one is pure studio, while the other really has a strong live feel.

Honestly, if anyone wants either of these they should have some at one of my locals, same place I got mine, and got them signed. He also left about 50 of each of them signed. But unfortunately this place is known for serious price gouging so, my guess is they will be $40, and if she has the signed ones then I really don't even know. It sucks cause the day of I paid $25 a piece for mine, and that why shop owner didn't try to do that cause he knew the artists would shut that shit down quick...But anyway lmk and I'll stop by. According to Discogs there might be some money to be made on them at very least.

PJ Morton - Gumbo & Gumbo: Unplugged

One of my favorite tracks off of 'Gumbo' featuring my #1 up and comer Pell...tellin' y'all keep an eye out for that name.

Favorite from 'Unplugged' you can instantly tell what I was saying about how this is way more raw, and funky.

Gotta throw his amazing Tiny Desk in here as well.
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