Collection Playthrough
016 - The War and Treaty - Hearts Town
017 - The Waitresses - I Could Rule The World If I Could Only Get The Parts
018 - Waylon Jennings - Live From Austin Tx '84
019 - Floating Points, Pharaoh Sanders, and T London Symphony Orchestra - Promises
Figured I'd finish out some of my W's with a big old mishmosh and play a fresh grab
The War and Treaty is a real treat for anyone who isn't familiar and is one of my favorite Magnolia finds. They are a husband and wife duo who are with, among many others, pushing this super energetic and exciting Soul-Americana run we're seeing (like Yola, Allison Russell, etc.). I think the album is a bit uneven, but the highs are really high. Five More Minutes was one of my favorite songs of 2020 and the album has gotten a pretty high number of spins for a lower impact group (at this point). A pretty strong recommendation to at least throw a stream on if you need some soul in your life today.
The Waitresses are a blast, and this one is simple. Five songs including Christmas Wrapping and the Square Pegs theme, a good bit of novelty but IMO Christmas Wrapping is a top tier Christmas song and the rest is still a worthwhile listen. One of the more fun blind buys at my local.
Waylon I feel a bit bad on because he's just not an artist I appreciate as much as others do. I really do think the live collection/recording is very solid for what it is but it's just not one I can get into that much. This may end up as a PIF/Sale item at some point. The sound is very robust though, I think a genre fan would very much dig it.
As for Promises, it was a warehouse grab and the sleeve has seen some things, but plays sublimely. Such an easy record to get absorbed in. What a treat