In honor of today’s most discussed preorder:
View attachment 106121The War on Drugs - A Deeper Understanding
Probably because it is my jumping on point, this is my favorite album by them. I owe @GatorJim for talking them up. He’s pretty much the reason I snagged this.
Right here with you. Far more digestible and memorable than their last effort imo. That's going to be one of those truly timeless records.I love different things about all of their last 3 but I’d probably say that Lost In The Dream is still my favourite. It’s probably my favorite modern album to be honest. I remember it coming out and reading a couple of rave reviews. I took a punt on it and it was the first album I’d heard in so long that just smacked me right between the eyes because it was both almost perfect and also right up my alley taste wise.
The Books
The Lemon Of PinkView attachment 105518
Same.My fave![]()