What's Spinning

The Decemberists- As It Ever Was. So It Will Be Again.

After living with this album via streaming for a week now, I enjoy about 8 of 13 tracks. The ones that I don’t care for aren’t necessarily bad, I just feel like I’ve heard those songs before.

Unfortunately, the production on this vinyl release is miserably muddy and dull. Before tonight, I’ve listened to this album either through my cheap buds or in my car and honestly, i didn’t hear it. But as soon as I dropped the needle I could. Towards the end of the album, my wife had me switch over to streaming through the system with the same results. Not sure what to do because there are some really good songs here.

Also I didn’t get the limited Joan card.

And William Fitzwilliam is the best sounding song.

If you know, you know. If you don’t and love the blues, git thee hither. You’ll love the blues even more after hearing Son rip it up. Side one will burn the paint right off the walls. Side two and you might as well call the fire department.
Sounds like it was recorded in a juke joint in Mississippi but it comes from a Chicago gig and you can feel the sweat. Tenor man AC Reed adds his smoke and the crowd is just so into it and right there. Whoo!IMG_3563.jpeg
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If you know, you know. If you don’t and love the blues, git thee hither. You’ll love the blues even more after hearing Son rip it up. Side one will burn the paint right off the walls. Side two and you might as well call the fire department.
Recorded in a juke joint in Mississippi and you can feel the sweat. Tenor man AC Reed adds his smoke and the crowd is just so into it and right there. Whoo!View attachment 206566
This was either the first or second blues album I bought on vinyl 23 years ago.