What's Spinning

Reverse alphabetical collection playthrough - 2nd shelf somewhere

Sneaker Pimps - Splinter
Pretty underrated Sneaker Pimps album that I feel a lot of people dismissed because of the lead vocalist change from Kelli Ali to Chris Corner himself. But they're missing out because this album is fantastic as well.
I've been listening to a lot of Sneaker Pimps recently (and some Kelli Ali solo stuff) so this album came at the right time somehow. I also recently found out that they had a new album in 2021 Squaring The Circle - which was pretty decent. Also Liam Howe (from sneaker pimps) had helped with some production / mixing etc on Kelli's last solo album so its a bit disappointing to see that she didn't collaborate or contribute at all to Sneaker Pimps' "comeback" album. They instead hired another singer to do the majority of the vocals which is too bad because they fit together so well. Chris Corner did great on this but I can't help but to imagine how Kelli singing on these tracks would do.