What's Spinning

Found out today a close friend suddenly passed. The world is officially worse off than it was before.

Rob was a DJ at my local NPR station. He ran the CMJ program there and hosted a show called ARC Overnight from midnight to 4am. I spent thousands of hours with Rob and his show over the last 15 years or so. In the age of automated radio, Rob was an old-school dinosaur. He'd plan his first set and then go where the vibe took him. He could seamlessly transition any and everything regardless of genre or style. Rob was a master craftsman on the air. He loved music, he loved animals, he had a biting, dry wit and he loved pushing the envelope. The night of Lou Reed's death, he played 4 hours of nothing but Lou and VU. Not exactly allowable under your airplay regulations but Rob knew it was the right thing to do and took the heat.

We saw lots of shows together and shared lots of pints. Thanks for everything, Rob. I'm lucky to have known you and I'll miss you terribly.

"When in doubt, play The Clash." - Rob Daves

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One of many that Rob turned me on to...

Spindrift - The Legend Of Gods Gun

