What's Spinning

I tend to mainly listen to music only on vinyl (dog walks are for podcasts!) and haven't picked it up. Will break my own rule and try and listen soon on streaming.
It was one of my favorites this year. It's nothing revolutionary, but it's exactly the quality of album you'd expect her to put out. And it's one that I can listen to in any mood, so it got more play than it probably would have otherwise which made it climb higher in my rankings.
I used my choose your own adventure Christmas gifts to fill in some holes in the collection:
Led Zeppelin - Houses of the Holy

Two things:

1. Thanks Atlantic, I happen to fucking hate hype stickers so sticking it right on the cover made me very happy.

2. Significant others are funny. It’s always “your music is too loud.” “You spent all your money on records again?” I showed her the Zep and her first comment was “I thought we already had these.”