I love The Tubes. And that cover for their first LP is just sublime.
It's delivery day... 10 days from orderto delivery
, not too bad!
Last one for tonight
2020 Complete Collection Play Through: Album #31
The Beatles – Rubber Soul
Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab [MFSL 1-106] - 1988
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The Beatles MoFi pressings are in the all time favorite pressings category for me. I know a lot of people don't care for them for various reasons, and there are a few MoFI duds out there, but I have no complaints, they sound fantastic to meHow do you like your MoFi Beatles records? My Rubber Soul sounds great, but the insane left to right stereo pan kinda distracts me with each listen. I'm trying to track down a mono copy
The Let It Be and Abbey Road MoFis sound fantastic though!