What's Spinning

Is that the 4 LP with the live gig as well? Thinking of getting that one, but on a severe diet at the moment. .

Yes, this is the 4LP one. I've only listened to the first (studio) set today but I really liked it. The old AE ethos is there but it really feels more like the best of the stuff coming out of Chicago today. I know you'll love it if you can stretch to it.

Thoughts on this one,? I was drawn to the cover when I saw it popping up on the monthly hhv sales. Good pressing?

Yeah, impressive actually. It's by the new Dublin pressing plant and it really is a clean, good quality slab.
Yes, this is the 4LP one. I've only listened to the first (studio) set today but I really liked it. The old AE ethos is there but it really feels more like the best of the stuff coming out of Chicago today. I know you'll love it if you can stretch to it.

Yeah, impressive actually. It's by the new Dublin pressing plant and it really is a clean, good quality slab.

Cool I think I'll pick it up. I remember reading they were redoing these from lost tapes recorded especially for the CBC it with such projects it's hard to tell if you get clean audio in the end.