What's your 2021 "Gear" resolution?

That Sphinx is a handsome devil.
I’ve played one record so far and it definitely sounds different from my Marantz. I can’t quite describe it. I asked my wife what she thought and she said she doesn’t think it sounds as crisp and even muddy and then she said maybe warmer. I think it sounds more detailed.
The phono preamp is shipped with the gain set at 44db and the loading at 47k. I feel like that’s equivalent to the Mani settings so I don’t know if it’s worthwhile in hooking that up.
I’ve played one record so far and it definitely sounds different from my Marantz. I can’t quite describe it. I asked my wife what she thought and she said she doesn’t think it sounds as crisp and even muddy and then she said maybe warmer. I think it sounds more detailed.
The phono preamp is shipped with the gain set at 44db and the loading at 47k. I feel like that’s equivalent to the Mani settings so I don’t know if it’s worthwhile in hooking that up.
Well, eventually you're going to have to hook it up just to see if it has anything more/different to offer. Inquiring minds and all that... :) But it might make sense to wait until you feel the integrated has settled in.
I just discovered that Volumio now supports Tidal Connect (on it's paid tiers). Seems to work pretty well so far from a functional perspective. This is probably the cheapest way to get Tidal Connect, but it can be a PITA at times. Took 4 flashes of the SD card to get it all installed right.