Wordle and other daily game results and discussion.

Did you both fall for the NBA teams? I very nearly did before I tried spicy reactions first.

ETA: I'm exhausted, so I'm not on my A game. Got back from the Pearl Jam show late, tried to sleep but dumbasses in next room were having a party, so was up til 2am. Then I woke up at 5am. I love traveling for the most part, but not when I'm cranky and tired and the traffic on the way to the airport is a parking lot.

That said, it was worth going back to Noblesville. Good to see them again, and Glen Hansard full band is icing on the cake. 1st two weeks of Sept may kill me with 5 more PJ shows, a Glen solo gig, then The National. Still contemplating Goose at Holmdel, but it's Labor Day weekend at the Jersey shore...
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