Your Collection - By the numbers 2021

Still think a few are missing from the Cogs but total number should be pretty accurate. I have bought very few the last few months though. Trying to start being much more selective as I'm running out of room.

Purchased: 194
Purged: 0 - should really start looking at this :)
Net Gain/Loss: +194
Collection size to date: ~931
Oh man, I cant even bring myself to look at my stats....

are you guys just counting? because I don't keep my discogs up to date all the time :oops:
For me it’s just Discogs. I always leave mine organized by date added. Every time I buy a record I’ll spin it it to check the condition, and then add it to my Discogs before I file it away with the rest of my collection. But unlike others here, I have no way of tracking my purges.
For me it’s just Discogs. I always leave mine organized by date added. Every time I buy a record I’ll spin it it to check the condition, and then add it to my Discogs before I file it away with the rest of my collection. But unlike others here, I have no way of tracking my purges.
yeah... I'm bad about keeping mine up to date. There's some older albums I forgot I had that I end up adding later on, so if I did that last added method I'd probably be miscounting or even missing some. I just don't have a habit of immediately updating discogs with everything. I'd say my collection on there is about 90-95% accurate.

Let's see.... just going off discogs

Purchased: 47
Purged: 31
Net +: 16
Total collection: 723
Added: ~225
Purged: 2 (thanks Secret Santa)
Total: 3669 (just "LP's" - 4474 is my total count)

Net Gain - 223

It's a soft count of what was added - I fix a lot of my older entries in Discogs as I didn't always enter them in the right sub when I first started there 12+ years ago, so I'll correct ones that I get out and spin. But I still have some more on the way so it probably evens out.
It is unfortunate that you can't change the "added" date within your collection, because this usually my default sorting when looking at my collection.

Screenshot 2021-12-08 221701.JPG
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Bit all over the place post move, and I probably need to have a proper Discogs review. Didn't think I'd added much this year, but a quick Discogs check shows at least 50, and that doesn't include the records I got from my in-laws when I got here.

A physical inspection shows I have 2 cubes to go, then I'm at my limit. I think 2022 is going to be a year of flux: I'm definitely planning an A-Z spin through of everything, and I think there may be a few things that leave my collection. I've kind of realised that my collection is missing a lot of albums I listened to loads when I was growing up. The decision is whether I get them on vinyl, or get a good digital source and play my ripped CD's.
I've been trying to scale back my purchases and move some stuff I don't listen to anymore and I think that shows in the numbers. This year I had the fewest purchases in a year since I started collecting 9 years ago.

Added: 38
Purged: 36 (and still have a bunch for sale and dropped prices, check my thread!haha)
Net: +2
Total Collection: 442
This was the year of a fair amount of stress buying and going nuts on a few of the big sales. I actually got better this year about impulse buying some records for full price or only buying cause it was a deal. But there's not much I want to purge and more I want to get (space and money are the big limits now). I enjoy the curation of the collection a lot, and I sold a few albums that I love because they were going for stupid amounts on discogs and I used that money to buy a lot more records, pay for my wife's surgery, and prepay our cell phone bills for the next year. My rule has generally been that if an album starts going for over $100 and I think it'll get repressed then I sell it, cause I can't really justify that much for some of these even if I love them. And it makes me feel better knowing a good part of my hobby is funded by my hobby. I never buy just to flip, f' those people, but for instance my Smashing Pumpkins collection, as much as I loved it, I didn't love it $600 worth for Siamese Dream and Melon Collie. So off they went.

Added: 336 *(my wife's reaction below)
Purged: 64 (plus another box of 30ish to take to the local for trades. I save these for when I want to buy something without spending money)
Collection: around 740 if only counting LPs.

In: 370ish (this goes up by about 70 I’d say. My brother gave me his collection from the 70’s and 80’s. I haven’t listened to most of it yet and it’s not added to my collection)
PIF: 50 ish
Net gain: 320ish
Collection: around 900 (Discogs tells me 1305, but that includes cds and music dvds)
Added: 215
Purged: probably around 20-30
Total: 1113

Safe to say my collection got a bit out of control… hopefully I can rein things in next year. I currently have plenty of storage, but not enough income to keep this up!