Your Collection - By the numbers 2022

Go ahead! I never fail to do it when the shoe is on the other foot. I do think smallest unit to largest makes more logical sense, but then I would.
It is slightly more logical. Does the written match the numeral? Or do you guys go January 14, 2022.
2021 Collection: 800

Purchased in 2022: +5
Preorders from 2021: +12
Free Additions: 0
Purged: 1
Net Gain/Loss: +16

2022 Total: 816

Last Updated: 01/12/2022

2021 Collection: 800

Purchased in 2022: +5
Preorders from 2021: +15
Free Additions: 0
Purged: 1
Net Gain/Loss: +19

2022 Total: 819

Last Updated: 01/14/2022
Collection size on 1/1/2022: 5167

Collection size to date (2022): 5174

Purchased (New): 6
Purchased (Used): 1
Free Additions: 0
Sold/Giveaway: 0
Net Gain/Loss: +7
Last Updated: 01/15/2022

In my defense I bought a couple used collections over the yrs and I’ve been at it awhile.
Last edited:
Collection size to date: on-hand 1,040
(2021 purchases in transit: 11) adjusted 1,051
Purchased: 0
Free Additions: 2
Purged: 3
Net Gain/Loss: 0
Last Updated: 01/11/2022

Collection size to date: on-hand 1,040
(2021 purchases in transit: 11) adjusted 1,051
Purchased: 0
Free Additions: 3
Purged: 4
Net Gain/Loss: -1
Last Updated: 01/15/2022
Heres my statistics at the end of the first week of 2022

Collection on 1/1/22: 2750
Purchased: 16 (although none arrived yet)
Free Additions:
Purged/Sold: 0
Net Gain/Loss: +16
Current Collection: 2766
Updated: 07/01/22
Week number 2 update:

Collection on 07/01/22: 2766
Purchased: 15 (those pesky sales!)
Free Additions:
Purged/Sold: 0
Net Gain/Loss: +15
Current Collection: 2781
Updated: 17/01/22