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Damn, Martin Mull passed away. Hopefully he can once again surprise Jessica Walter while traveling the astral plane.
Billy Woods and Kenny Segal (2nd round) ticket purchased.
Had a KILLER ebay win today. One of those where I thought it would go for 10X the amount it did and I certainly didn't expect to win it. Great start to the weekend!
Trying to find the positives in every day when the news of the world is grim. Things, like today, the new Washed Out album came out so that's something positive to experience.
How do I get a job at Apple Music to determine what tracks gets the dots next to them because I’ll tell you what, they get it wrong a lot. No dot next to Local Girl by Neko Case? Rude.
Kingfish killed it last night. Only point of feedback is he needs to be better about his merch. Only 1 shirt for sale and they didn't have all sizes available. Leaving money on the table.
He was great! Second time in 2 years seeing him. First time they had 0 merch. This time just 1 shirt with a run dmc logo of his name. It shouldn't be too hard to make a shirt with tour dates and a design 🤷‍♂️
Not hard, just an expense that’s not super cheap, if he has to front the cost. But no telling what he is or isn’t making on that stuff yet.
I wouldn't call it a crazy high expense either though for what tour shirts cost. Margins are crazy high
How is there a Twister sequel coming out in a couple weeks and the original isn't on any streaming platform to help feed my nostalgia???
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You can rent it on Apple and Amazon for $4. Well worth the price.
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I must be old because I don't recognize anyone from the cast of the new one except the guy from Hamilton.
Can someone help me turn off the emails from here? I thoguht I did it but still get them.
RIP Kinky Friedman. A staple of the Texas from my youth that I sorely miss.

Oh man. Real legend there.
One of my favorite quotes:

My dear,

Find what you love and let it kill you.

Let it drain you of your all. Let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness.

Let it kill you and let it devour your remains.

For all things will kill you, both slowly and fastly, but it’s much better to be killed by a lover.

~ Falsely yours
Kinky Friedman
Loved his books. Haven’t read any in a while, which I think I need to fix.
Two wonderful things, first and foremost, it’s Jon Tabakin’s birthday so the entire forum needs to celebrate. And second, we hit up adult skate night last night and the DJ set was killer. I am going to end up with something broken because I was trying to do a move on skates.
I'm thinking of selling mystery bundles from my collection. You send me 125 dolla I send u 5 records!