I get you, and I feel a lot of what you're saying. I guess my complaint isn't simply the lack of hooks; Pablo had plenty of digressions and hookless tracks I still enjoyed quite a bit. My favorite track on Pablo is Pt 2, which is literally a slew of rhymes and the Panda sample. I just don't hear anything on Jesus which wrinkles my brain in the same way, and none of the songs appears to have a thesis or subject beyond "GOD IS THE BEST." There's no exploration, no thought.
As for whether or not it's "okay" to like Kanye, I definitely don't mean that I feel I'm disallowed to like him; I just mean that it's been harder for me to wave off his public behavior and persona, and the recent output has lacked the heights that allowed me to think "regardless of what that guy's doing on his own time, this stuff *slaps*." In the past, I'd meet his various shitshows with "if he's getting this nutty, the next album must be awesome." That's increasingly turned into "if he's pulling this shit, the next ablum better be good," and most recently "there's no way this means the next album is going to be good." It's not so much like I feel I have to apologize to others for my fandom; it's me feeling less rewarded for my patience with him.