
As a Kanye observer this album caught my attention in many ways. I understand the disinterest in a lot of ways from long time fans as it’s not only a departure lyrically but also at times production-wise as well.

I think this is to be expected a little bit. What I mean by that is this is yet another version of Kanye. He seems to be always changing as an artist and as a person. If you’re a Kanye fan , stay tuned and see what happens next. Not many artists evolve like this (for better or for worse) in such a short amount of time.

This was my not so well worded take as a non Kanye fan. The end.

Not bad!

They captured what really rings false about the "Jesus" part of JIK:

Beyond superficial gestures at biblical references and the capitalist leanings of American prosperity gospel, there is virtually no indication here as to what it means to follow Jesus. That is, other than to perhaps sit back and wait for Him to give you a Forbes cover and a billion-dollar sneaker brand. It’s hard to take West seriously when the obstacles he distresses over are Instagram likes and steep tax rates (the IRS, he complains, wants “half of the pie”). Rather than the grace, justice, and love that characterizes faith at its most transformative, West internalizes the religious entitlement that props up the wealthy and powerful, validating months of jokes about his ambitions as a megachurch pastor.
Revelations in recent weeks—that he admonished his wife for wearing tight clothes, asked collaborators to abstain from premarital sex, and began keeping a Christian scorecard that includes limiting himself to two curse words a day—suggest his interpretation of the gospel has been more dogmatic than faithful. Historically, it has been the vulnerability with which he expresses his own hypocrisies and moral failings that have made West a uniquely compelling artist; unfortunately, there is very little of that complexity on Jesus Is King. (An exception is “Follow God,” where an argument with his father prompts consideration, however shallow, of what it means to be “Christlike.”)

That said, the review has inspired me to give another listen.
This album has done a bunch of things in it's first week other than being #1:

1) Given the youth who follow trends, a popular figure (Kanye) that is pushing Jesus. This is a great thing. Jesus and God were not cool for the kids anymore, until Friday.
2) Given the generation that grew up with him during the Jesus Walks days a full circle moment. "If I talk about God my record won't get played huh!?!"
3) Opened the door for people like Chance to go head first and do a proper Gospel/Hip Hop Album
4) Potentially provided a ton of exposure to a genre that needs it
5) Has haters, doubters, and non believers working extra hard to bash something they wrote off last week as un interesting. Trash. Etc. (Like forreal I have never seen so many people who don't care, put extra effort out like this, to convince us they don't care)

Truly a moment that will live on for a long time in rap/hip hop
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Has haters, doubters, and non believers working extra hard to bash something they wrote off last week as un interesting. Trash. Etc. (Like forreal I have never seen so many people who don't care, put extra effort out like this, to convince us they don't care)
I disagree with all of your other points, but this one is 100% accurate
I disagree with all of your other points, but this one is 100% accurate

Well lets discuss?

So u think there is someone that leads kids to christ that is popular in 2019, and made it seem cool?

You also disagree with my opinion on a full circle moment, from his first album, and the lyrics i quoted to this album going #1?

You don't think artists like Chance, will do a deeper dive than Coloring Book, now that this is out?

You don't think Christian rap/hip hop needed a boost?
Those are incredibly bad reasons to find religion though.

Yupp, and this generation is incredibly lost imo(13-18 yo). So I think more of this is needed. We are in a time where alot of their time is spent on technology and devices (they aren't looking up bible verses)

When i was in elementary school almost all my friends did first communion after their CCD classes. Confirmation in high school, etc. We were all in young life.

That isnt the case anymore. It hardly exists. So if kids use Kanye as something to hide behind and pursue a relationship with God....that is not as bad as no relationship. I think.
How are lyrics about an actual relationship to Christ no deeper than "I love God", "The IRS takes too much of my money", and "You my Chik-Fil-A" exactly supposed to lead people to Christ? Or make it seem cool?

If u really want a lyrical breakdown then we can bring up all the actual lyrics and not use the examples you chose to exhibit sarcasm.

For ppl that have no knowledge or relationship going in, basic language is key. Scripture is scary for newbies
When i was in elementary school almost all my friends did first communion after their CCD classes. Confirmation in high school, etc. We were all in young life.
I was the same but I didn't do all this stuff because I found God, I did it because everyone else was doing it and I went to a Catholic school.

What is your reasoning behind thinking it doesn't exist anymore? I think it exists it's just that media focuses on the idiocy of growing up as a misguided teen. We're all misguided FFS, but I don't credit God for helping me find my way, I credit a stable home environment.
Well lets discuss?

So u think there is someone that leads kids to christ that is popular in 2019, and made it seem cool?

You also disagree with my opinion on a full circle moment, from his first album, and the lyrics i quoted to this album going #1?

You don't think artists like Chance, will do a deeper dive than Coloring Book, now that this is out?

You don't think Christian rap/hip hop needed a boost?

I've seen the Chance comparison elsewhere as well, and I don't get it. Chance made a bold move with Coloring Book, and while The Big Day isn't as gospel-infused, I don't get any impression his gospel sound was a failure, nor was it derided. Quite the opposite, and it's weird to say JIK has vindicated him or will cause him to change direction.
I was the same but I didn't do all this stuff because I found God, I did it because everyone else was doing it and I went to a Catholic school.

What is your reasoning behind thinking it doesn't exist anymore? I think it exists it's just that media focuses on the idiocy of growing up as a misguided teen. We're all misguided FFS, but I don't credit God for helping me find my way, I credit a stable home environment.

My extended family has kids in elem, middle, etc. They tell me in their state, the classes are almost obsolete, unless you go private school, and it all is about the home now and church on sunday because the programs don't exist
Well lets discuss?

So u think there is someone that leads kids to christ that is popular in 2019, and made it seem cool?

You also disagree with my opinion on a full circle moment, from his first album, and the lyrics i quoted to this album going #1?

You don't think artists like Chance, will do a deeper dive than Coloring Book, now that this is out?

You don't think Christian rap/hip hop needed a boost?
I dont see any of those things as positives is more what I meant.