Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

Ugh, so my SIL's dad has a suspected case--he has two of the three symptoms and we are just waiting test results. My SIL's mom is a transplant case who is on dialysis. They watched my SIL's kids last Thursday. My MIL watched the same kids last Friday. I need whatever prayers, voodoo, vibes and thoughts that I can get. I really hope my bunch of old people is okay.
Ugh, so my SIL's dad has a suspected case--he has two of the three symptoms and we are just waiting test results. My SIL's mom is a transplant case who is on dialysis. They watched my SIL's kids last Thursday. My MIL watched the same kids last Friday. I need whatever prayers, voodoo, vibes and thoughts that I can get. I really hope my bunch of old people is okay.
I know some people will see this as political, but truthfully it’s not. This is a problem:

especially given these:


Prime Minister of Japan have concluded that the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo must be rescheduled to a date beyond 2020 but not later than summer 2021, to safeguard the health of the athletes, everybody involved in the Olympic Games and the international community.
We also have this?

The CDC which is a government agency meant to manage situations like this has been absent since March 9th. It's last press conference. Before March 9th they were giving daily updates on the coronavirus.

What changed? Trump created the coronavirus response taskforce and appointed Mike Pence as lead. This taskforce is now to give all updates and guidance. And this is dangerous because this task force is in disagreement with the scientists over at the CDC.

Trump keeps saying things that contradict the CDC and the experts.

During Trump's daily press conference yesterday evening Dr. Fauci was noticeably missing. When Trump was asked about this by a reporter he responded with: "We had a disagreement, he will be back".

Uh oh. That doesn't sound like things will end well. It sounds like Trump is clashing with the scientist and is getting ready to say "you're fired".

Last night's press conference had the message had the message that "This country wasn't built to be able to shut down. We need to reopen the economy". Trump also down played COVID-19 by comparing deaths to the flu and car crashes and saying see, COVID-19 isn't all that bad by comparison. There is no need to shut down the economy.

I suspect Dr. Fauci wanted no part of that and is completely advising against this.

When Trump issued his 15 day emergency order the CDC thought it was to lax and thought it's purpose was to ease into more rigorous restrictions at the end of the 15 days. The CDC says this order needs to be extended and more rigorous restrictions are required. The Trump administration and the task force disagrees. At the end of the 15 days, later this week, they plan on to loosen restrictions. Get the economy running again because we are doing more damage to this country via the economy than the virus could ever have on us.

I know some people will see this as political, but truthfully it’s not. This is a problem:

especially given these:


Oh, this is a huge problem, but at least in Louisiana, there's not going to be any going back to business as usual any time soon.

At the time, Louisiana had 91 confirmed cases of coronavirus. A week later, Louisiana health officials confirmed 837 cases and 20 deaths.

“That’s a 10-time increase in seven days,” Gov. John Bel Edwards said in a press conference on March 22.

Health experts and local doctors interviewed by VICE blame the severity of COVID-19 in New Orleans on Mardi Gras, which took place February 25. During the celebration, approximately 1.4 million local and international visitors descended on the city.

Kenneth and other emergency department nurses and doctors said their hospitals are at or close to capacity. Because health care infrastructure is sized to meet the population—393,000 people live in Orleans Parish—New Orleans’ soaring caseload could easily overwhelm an already strained system. Right now, doctors are sending home patients who should be in the hospital.

"The hospitalist service has not wanted to admit 'stable' patients with [both COVID-19 and comorbidities like] diabetes," said Michael. "Normally, I'd be screaming that they should be admitted. But the people I admitted [with COVID-19] were sicker.”

In about a week, LA will be where Italy is now. We're not only following their trend; we're outpacing it.
Oh, this is a huge problem, but at least in Louisiana, there's not going to be any going back to business as usual any time soon.

At the time, Louisiana had 91 confirmed cases of coronavirus. A week later, Louisiana health officials confirmed 837 cases and 20 deaths.

“That’s a 10-time increase in seven days,” Gov. John Bel Edwards said in a press conference on March 22.

Health experts and local doctors interviewed by VICE blame the severity of COVID-19 in New Orleans on Mardi Gras, which took place February 25. During the celebration, approximately 1.4 million local and international visitors descended on the city.

Kenneth and other emergency department nurses and doctors said their hospitals are at or close to capacity. Because health care infrastructure is sized to meet the population—393,000 people live in Orleans Parish—New Orleans’ soaring caseload could easily overwhelm an already strained system. Right now, doctors are sending home patients who should be in the hospital.

"The hospitalist service has not wanted to admit 'stable' patients with [both COVID-19 and comorbidities like] diabetes," said Michael. "Normally, I'd be screaming that they should be admitted. But the people I admitted [with COVID-19] were sicker.”

In about a week, LA will be where Italy is now. We're not only following their trend; we're outpacing it.
By the end of the week given the current trajectory, America will be worse than Italy. We’re gonna top China eventually.
so 15 days from now, some idiots will want to go back outside and continue on as if this was nothing... I will not be one of those people, and if your job demands you go back to work outside your home, I would advise against it. Just don't go back to work. FUCK THAT. The capitalist system crumbles without workers. Let them crumble. We can rebuild the economy but we cannot rebuild dead people.
Of course many Americans will dismiss this conversation as "liberal or democratic conspiracy" but this is a useful listen, especially for anyone that doesn't understand how and why isolation is the only means to slow down the spread of the virus... until a vaccine can be developed (12-18 months)


The Trump 45 Cult is something else. It is sad that our president just throws this random consipracy crap out all the time and some people eat it up.
so 15 days from now, some idiots will want to go back outside and continue on as if this was nothing... I will not be one of those people, and if your job demands you go back to work outside your home, I would advise against it. Just don't go back to work. FUCK THAT. The capitalist system crumbles without workers. Let them crumble. We can rebuild the economy but we cannot rebuild dead people.
I'm essential, though. I have a note and everything. :cautious:
Things are getting messy in Texas.

No action by Texas to issue any orders on the state level, but individual counties, those that lean more liberal, have issued shelter in place orders. Including fines for violating it.

What is happening is you are now ending up with people who live in one county being told to stay home, but work in another county who's employee still expects them to show up at the office. They aren't essential employee's, and could very well work from home. But their job is still insisting business as usual and requiring them to come into the office.
Florida's governor is pushing back on the idea that he will issue a stay at home order. He is saying he's not going to do that. Instead he's issued travel restrictions to prevent travelers from 3 states from entering the state of Florida.

How is that enforceable? Also why just 3 states, that's really not going to help much.