Well-Known Member
Well, I love Phish, and I can tell you that you’re saving yourself a lot of money by hating them
I've tried. I've REALLY tried. Because I know there have been bands I have spent large parts of my youth hating only to come around and love. The Phish fans as a group, annoy the piss out of me. When I was at Bonnaroo 2009- which is one of the most legendary lineups of all time: like, literally if you find that poster you have to go down like 6 lines to find the first band that isn't just a stone cold legend), the Phish fans arrived next to my campsite and proceeded to talk about Phish for the next four days. I drunkenly went down to their midnight show with a very open mind- got bored and left.
I do have one show of theirs in my collection- the first Phish show from Bonnaroo 2019. I have no idea why, but it was streaming on XM as i was driving home late from another concert and I thought it sounded good. Irony.