Seeing some of the videos from the media preview for Star Wars Land at Disneyland. This thing is going to be awesome. It's going to be a while before I brave going there but I can't wait.
Seeing some of the videos from the media preview for Star Wars Land at Disneyland. This thing is going to be awesome. It's going to be a while before I brave going there but I can't wait.
It all looks super cool, but the press stuff has been very specifically shown with no crowds, so I'm super curious to see how it'll look when it's properly open. They're limiting attendance for a while, but the Avatar area Disney built in Florida is still absurdly crowded almost non-stop, and that's a franchise no one cared about. Plus they couldn't even be bothered to finish the actual premier, exciting Rise of the Resistance ride for opening day, delaying it to an unannounced time. The walk-around environments and restaurants all look amazing, but I can't believe there's only one new ride there at the moment, and it's just an upgraded version of something Disney did almost 2 decades ago.

It sucks cuz I don't think I love anything more than Star Wars and Disney parks, but I can't help but feel sour about this to a degree.

The bar there does have an Ewok themed tiki mug so that's rad.
No doubt it will be wall to wall people but I do like that Disney is limiting entries into the area for a while. This is more about immersing yourself in the Star Wars universe than just rides. Similar to Diagon Alley in Universal Orlando, which also only has one ride and is more about immersing yourself in the Harry Potter universe. I heard many references yesterday to how the land was like a piece of art come to life. This land will be more about connecting yourself to Star Wars in a new way that feels more like cosplay than a theme park. Similar to going to a Renaissance Fair where everyone is immersed in that experience.
The animatronics do look incredible though. They've shied away from doing them recently, so I'm glad they pulled em out for this.
No doubt it will be wall to wall people but I do like that Disney is limiting entries into the area for a while. This is more about immersing yourself in the Star Wars universe than just rides. Similar to Diagon Alley in Universal Orlando, which also only has one ride and is more about immersing yourself in the Harry Potter universe. I heard many references yesterday to how the land was like a piece of art come to life. This land will be more about connecting yourself to Star Wars in a new way that feels more like cosplay than a theme park. Similar to going to a Renaissance Fair where everyone is immersed in that experience.
I do love me a good Renn Faire
No doubt it will be wall to wall people but I do like that Disney is limiting entries into the area for a while. This is more about immersing yourself in the Star Wars universe than just rides. Similar to Diagon Alley in Universal Orlando, which also only has one ride and is more about immersing yourself in the Harry Potter universe. I heard many references yesterday to how the land was like a piece of art come to life. This land will be more about connecting yourself to Star Wars in a new way that feels more like cosplay than a theme park. Similar to going to a Renaissance Fair where everyone is immersed in that experience.
I'm definitely more the "go to a theme park to enjoy the environment and then maybe do a few rides if I have time" I just see what they've done in the past with Avatar and Toy Story land and I don't think those crowds will really allow people to be immersed in the area. I love the Harry Potter stuff because they really leaned into the immersive side of things. I don't know that Star Wars lends itself to the same kind of "I want to explore that world" like HP, though.

I have tentative plans to go down to the Florida one later this year, so we'll see how it goes. I am hopeful, I've just become pretty jaded with what Disney's done recently.

(also I'm firmly on the side of this not belonging in Disneyland, but that's an entirely different issue lol)
Watched Solo. Pretty fun. Too many planets though.

I've officially decided I can rank my favorite Star Wars based on reverse order of the number of planets in them (fewest planets: best movie).

SO the two Ewok movies playing solely on Endor rank very high then?
I was having lunch w one of my superiors recently. They’re a big Star Wars fan (one might say nerd). They got a waffle cut french fry and remarked that it looked like the Millenium Falcon. I said as straight as could be, “Oh is that like Star Trek or something?” They replied (w more than a slight tone of hate) “No, it’s Star Wars”. I said, “Hmmm, not familiar.” They quickly moved on to talking with others at the table. I’m letting them keep thinking I’ve never heard of one of the biggest pop culture phenomenons ever. They don’t write my performance reports.