Pre-Order Thread

No, its availability has been spotty and it retails at this price. I got it on a 2 for 1 for like 27 bucks last Fall.
Although if it's a repress it may be done by a better pressing plant. I believe they were pressed at Rainbo for a while. At least I'm pretty sure my copy was (although it's actually good).

They already owe me 3 rekkids. Should I keep throwing money at them?
Although if it's a repress it may be done by a better pressing plant. I believe they were pressed at Rainbo for a while. At least I'm pretty sure my copy was (although it's actually good).
My copy sounds great, I bought mine from target a few months ago, so I'm pretty sure it is this:

Smashing Pumpkins* - Siamese Dream

Url: Smashing Pumpkins* - Siamese Dream

Shared from the Discogs App
Hello Christopher,

We're sorry to report that unfortunately the Decemberists re-issues were heavily allocated and we never received our stock to fill orders. We apologize for not letting you know sooner, we only just received an answer about these. Please let us know if you have any questions, and thank you for your understanding.

Kind Regards,

Just got this info from BM about my pre-order of The Decemberists that was supposed to ship back in december.

Anyone know if it's still available anywhere?
Just got this info from BM about my pre-order of The Decemberists that was supposed to ship back in december.

Anyone know if it's still available anywhere?
This Neil release got me listening to Ragged Glory again today and goddamn that’s a good record. I’m torn on whether I really need this 4LP live set - it’s less a matter of the cost and more a matter of trying to get myself to pass on records unless I really need them.

But I’ll probably just leave the browser tab open until such a time as I’ve had enough drinks to just hit the buy button.